Product Concepting

Zeta Technology Group helps companies in creating and evolving product and service suites based on short-, mid-, and long-term objectives. Our team focus' on the healthcare product conceptualization and undertakes the research to figure out potential costs, revenues, and profits arising from the product. At this stage, it is important to conduct a SWOT analysis to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats existing in the market. This is because it provides an idea for the company to meet the demands and wishes of customers. Sales, marketing, and distribution are also the most prominent factors in the product concept.

How ZTG helps companies with product concepts?

Our healthcare product concepting includes the identification of a pool of product options offering predetermined features, benefits, functionality, and usability in-line with the realities of a dynamic sales and marketing environment.

We use the simple and straightforward formula of continuously improving the product at a low cost. Our process of producing health care product ideas depends on how to identify what features are critical to your customers in order to effectively market your product. In addition to this, promotions, prices, packaging, and distribution channels are equally considered when we are planning to come up with a product concept.

These features must be considered not only to ensure that a product will attract the right audience, but also to help the business achieve its goals.

Importance of the product concept

In order for companies to meet the needs of their target audience, it is important that their product concept is effective. This will satisfy the audience and they will be more likely to buy again. There are many product concept examples as many multinational brands use this strategy to develop better products for their audience.

When you work with Zeta Technology Group, you are tapping into decades of experience. Our team members will take the time to learn the ins and outs of your business before brainstorming riveting, innovative, creative, and impactful product concepts. You will maintain control and creative direction throughout the whole process ensuring the final product is in line with what you imagined.

The product concept generates the product creation direction and the message that healthcare product concept company want to convey about the product.